I’m Brooke, your go-to money buddy!

I’m a certified financial educator and founder of Brooke Builds Wealth.

I educate and empower financial newbies, like you!

For Years, I Wished Someone Would Take Me Step By Step & TEACH Me What To Do
With Money.

Nobody ever came.
So, I committed to teaching myself.

Here's My Story

When I was 14, I babysat constantly.

I saved up $4k!

I tried bragging to my Gramps about how much money was in my savings account. He was not impressed.

He told me that the money was sitting there, doing nothing. He said I should invest the money, but I didn’t know how.

I learned about Roth IRAs, which are tax advantaged retirement accounts. I tried to start one. I couldn’t, because I had no taxable income as a part time babysitter.

I started investing in actively managed mutual funds. The investments were managed for me by a bank. I just had to add the money. I had no idea what I was doing, but I saw my investments growing rapidly, so I continued adding money throughout high school and college.

The more my money grew, the more eager I was to learn more.

I set out to learn everything I could about finance, but quickly noticed that the information was gate-kept and hard for me to understand.

I didn’t give up.

I spent years untangling a gate-kept web of financial information.

My friends and family were intrigued by my journey and started asking for help with their finances.

Soon, I was teaching my loved ones how to manage their own money! I loved watching them become financially empowered.

I decided to take classes to become a certified financial educator so I could help more people.

Enter - Brooke Builds Wealth.

I created this platform to expand my reach. 

Now, I want to help you!

I spare you thousands of hours of research by rapidly and effectively teaching you how to manage your money and build wealth.

Start with your FREE Ultimate Wealth Building Guide, where I spill the secrets to multiplying your wealth in 5 steps.

Want more support? I created The Informed Investor Program™ to set you up with the formula that I used to build my 150k portfolio by age 25. Together, we build your personalized, automated financial plan to that makes you money for the rest of your life.

Talk to you soon!

